New Releases from Penguin Teen: The Companion by Katie Alender & Meme by Aaron Starmer

I recently read two almost-fall (let’s be serious late August/early September is pretty much fall for all us pumpkin/spooky/sweater-and-boots outfit lovers) new releases from Penguin Teen. Thank you again Penguin Teen for the ARCs in exchange for reviews! The first one was The Companion, a YA spooky horror/thriller by Katie Alender which was just released…

What My Favorite YA Characters Would Be Like in Quarantine

In the U.S., some states are starting to ease quarantine restrictions, but many of us—either legally or by choice—remain locked down. So, I think it’s been long enough that we ask ourselves a very important question: what would some of our favorite fictional characters be like in lockdown? Let’s discuss. Pepper from Tweet Cute I…