ARC Review: Burden Falls by Kat Ellis

Burden Falls was a fun mix between traditional thriller and supernatural. Penguin Teen describes it as “Riverdale meets The Haunting of Hill House”, which I thought was a really fitting description, because as I was reading it, I was getting major Riverdale vibes, if Riverdale had a little more of a New England-y, old money, old families type vibe.  Burden Falls follows Ava,…

Book Review: Disappearance at Devil’s Rock by Paul Tremblay

Paul Tremblay has an impeccable talent for blending difficult real life situations with the paranormal in a way that makes you question whether you’re more afraid of the unknown or of the horrible acts that human beings commit against each other, and Disappearance at Devil’s Rock is another excellent display of that skill. This novel…

5 “Weird” Books for When You Want an Unsettling, Unconventional, or Just Plain Trippy Read

I have a friend who consistently describes books as “weird”. I’ll ask, “So, what did you think of (insert name of book here)?”, and said friend will respond with, “It was weird.” “Well, what do you mean by weird?” “I don’t know, it was just….weird.” It pretty much goes without saying that weird is a…