ARC Review: A Blackness Absolute by Caitlin Marceau (Out February 21st)

If you thought This Is Where We Talk Things Out was anxiety inducing, wait until you read the first and titular story in Marceau’s upcoming short horror fiction collection, A Blackness Absolute. I don’t know how Marceau got into my brain, but sometimes it feels like she’s in there scrolling through a fancy iPad menu…

“Something’s Not Right With This House” Books

The thumbnail for this one is shortened to “Haunted House Books”, but it’s really called “Something Isn’t Right About This House” Books. These don’t all necessarily deal with houses that have classic ghosts or things that go bump in the night, but they all deal with houses where something is just off, and the residents know…

ARC Review: Burden Falls by Kat Ellis

Burden Falls was a fun mix between traditional thriller and supernatural. Penguin Teen describes it as “Riverdale meets The Haunting of Hill House”, which I thought was a really fitting description, because as I was reading it, I was getting major Riverdale vibes, if Riverdale had a little more of a New England-y, old money, old families type vibe.  Burden Falls follows Ava,…