Mini Reviews: A Graveyard Visible, All the Little Lights, Unbury Carol, & More!

It’s time for some mini book reviews! These aren’t as long and deeply detailed as some of my full-length reviews where I basically just rave (orrr sometimes rant), but I still have things to say! Let’s think of these as the puppy version of reviews whereas the individuals are the full grown dogs. I don’t…

5 “Weird” Books for When You Want an Unsettling, Unconventional, or Just Plain Trippy Read

I have a friend who consistently describes books as “weird”. I’ll ask, “So, what did you think of (insert name of book here)?”, and said friend will respond with, “It was weird.” “Well, what do you mean by weird?” “I don’t know, it was just….weird.” It pretty much goes without saying that weird is a…